Project Materials
The project consortium has produced three freely available outputs that aim at helping consumer organisations learn how to test products for dual food quality practices and identify misleading branding practices.

The Guidance
The first output is a Guidance on Testing Food Products and Identifying Misleading Branding Strategies. This Guidance is inspired by the EU Harmonized Methodology on testing products and explains in a detailed way what the issue of Dual Food Quality is and what needs to be taken into account when performing tests on food products.
The Guidance can be downloaded here.
The Manual
The second output is a Manual on Testing Food Products for Dual Quality. This Manual is designed to help consumer organisations correctly implement the principles described in the Guidance. The Manual is structured as a visual step-by-step guide on how to properly use the Guidance.
The Manual can be downloaded here.

A series of videos
The third output takes the form of a series of videos explaining various aspects of how to correctly test products for dual food quality. You can watch the videos below.